FAQ (Five Hundred)
How can I play online?
On the main window, click on the black arrow beside the "New Game" button and select "Multi-Player".
How can I ask for a suit with a joker?
Right click the joker, click "Ask for..." with the desired suit. This is only allowed with a "no trump" contract. If the corresponding rule is set in the options, the suit must not have already been led. There is also a rule that allows asking suits that must be set.
How can I announce a suit with a card?
Right click the card and select "Announce in..." with the card's suit. The corresponding rule must be set in the options. The conditions to be allowed to announce are that the card is the weakest one in your hand of its suit, you are from the attackers team, your partner was the first to play, and that he is still the leader of the current trick.
How can I administer an online game?
Right click a player and choose an action. You must be the game's administrator (name written in bold). You have the choice to change a player seat, kick him, or make him the new administrator.
How can I see an online game's rules?
Right click a game from the list of online games and select "View Rules". Only the difference between the game's rules your local rules (form the options) are shown.
How can I reset the score?
Right click on the scores board and select "Reset Score". You must be the administrator.
How can I uninstall this software?
Open Windows' control pannel, select "Uninstall a program" or "Programs and Features".